What is this about?

This is a weekly publication concerned with art, body suspension, crypto, and other seemingly unrelated things that are, in fact, all quite related.

Free Subscription

(Regular orbisms)

I don’t have to explain to you why you need to subscribe, it’s the year 2022. I also offer relationship advice (definitely not free).

Paid Subscription

(Transmissions from the Void)

By subscribing on a paid tier, there are things you get in addition to being fucking awesome.

I talk to a lot of folks. The majority of my discussions are with creatives working in traditional and/or digital mediums, both on and off blockchains. A paid subscription gets you access to all of these interviews in both podcast and written formats.

I do a lot of stuff with physical art, as well as NFTs. Paid subscribers will get insight into my process with mediums I work in - inclusive of body suspension, generative code, and media manipulation.

As a firm believer in equity, I take those that are invested in a project very seriously. If you pay money for something, your opinion about that thing should be respected. Let’s build a community together.

Stay connected

I’m a human being that uses the internet just like you. My DMs are always open, so get in touch directly through the Orbisms Twitter account if you like. You can also find me on Discord.

I also have a website that gets redesigned anywhere from 1-12 times a year, because why not: orbgasm.wtf

If you’re looking for my NFTs, you can find the majority of it on Foundation.

Find me on twitter @orbtastic
or on instagram @orbism
or on farcaster @orb

I am self-employed, and a creator by profession.
feel free to shoot tips over to orbgasm.eth | orbgasm.btc | orbgasm.tez or just subscribe to my podcast, Transmissions from the Void!

Subscribe to orbisms

Art, code, sci-fi, and weird human experiences, on and off-chain


The journey of a multidisciplinary artist into digital realms, in his search for catharsis and euphoria.